Each year I bake up a few cookies for our neighbors, so I can try out a few recipes and also make up for being socially awkward the rest of the year.

I wasn’t sure whether I was even going to do cookies this year, since it’s a lot of work and I was feeling like cutting back on the amount of work I do in December. But then I found a bunch of cool recipes and that got me inspired and here we are. Usually there are a few misfires, and this year was no exception; that’s why the cookie boxes did not include any “langues de chat” cookies as planned.

But here’s what they did include: eggnog snickerdoodles, peppermint brownie cookies, buzkut (Somali butter cookies), inside-out red velvet cookies, bizcochitos, Italian lemon cookies and peppermint fudge.

The best part of the tradition is when my whole crew and I walk the boxes over to the neighbors’ houses. Usually it’s a pretty quick set of deliveries, but it’s fun to see everyone just before winter break begins. Once in a while we even get text messages from people saying that they couldn’t wait and devoured a few cookies before we made it home. Why wait? It’s the holidays!