The James A. Garfield Assassination Spot Is Right About Here

Three presidential assassination spots are clearly marked. The fourth isn't marked at all - but I may have found it.

By |2018-11-19T10:01:25-05:00June 9, 2013|Categories: Dead Presidents, Places, Travel|Tags: , , |

Who’s buried in Grant’s tumor? The National Museum of Health and Medicine

Where to start on this macabre trip through the human body and the horrible things that can be done to it?

Ulysses S Grant Memorial

If you're starting your tour of the National Mall at the US Capitol, your first stop as you head west is likely to be the US Grant Memorial. It's probably good to get it out of the way early, cause it's pretty strong stuff.

By |2024-11-10T10:29:57-05:00November 10, 2012|Categories: Dead Presidents, Places, Travel|Tags: , , |
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