A Handful Of VIPs Can Travel To Other Countries Without Passports
If you're traveling abroad this summer you'll need a passport - unless you're one of a very small number of very prominent people who don't need to use passports.
If you're traveling abroad this summer you'll need a passport - unless you're one of a very small number of very prominent people who don't need to use passports.
He started flying in 1990 and after that, the years just flew by.
Today in 1903 the conclusion of the first-ever car trip from one coast of the continental United States to the other. And this story starts, like so many other good stories have, with a bet.
Today in 1909, the brothers Abernathy, ages five and eight, started a 1,300 mile trip - on horseback, unsupervised - from Oklahoma to New Mexico and back. The next year they got back on their horses to ride to New York to see their dad's pal, Teddy Roosevelt.
A new Harvard study finds those systems that suggest words to us when we type on our smartphones are actually shaping the way we write sentences and messages.