Cheers To The First Woman To Perform Shakespeare Onstage, Whoever She Was

Today in 1660, for the first time a woman took to the stage in England and performed a role in a production of Shakespeare’s Othello. We know she was a trailblazer. We know she was a pioneer. We don’t know who she was.

By |2024-12-08T08:00:56-05:00December 8, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Table Tennis Is Also Called Ping Pong, And Was Almost Called “Whiff-Whaff”

Today in 1901, the first table tennis tournament concluded in London. It's also known as ping pong, and there were plenty of other proposed names back in the early days.

By |2024-12-05T08:03:09-05:00December 14, 2021|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |
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