February Is The Shortest Month For Literally Odd Reasons
We're in the shortest month of the year, but how did that happen? The answer starts with the Romans, who had reasons.
We're in the shortest month of the year, but how did that happen? The answer starts with the Romans, who had reasons.
Christmas may come just once a year, but it’s never gonna give us up. Just like a certain singer.
Around this time in 2003, the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond introduced a new attraction: a 29 ton globe that people can push around. Here's a look at the mechanics behind Kugel Balls.
Gonna be quite a day here.
It really happened! On Thanksgiving 2008, a float in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade came to a halt, there was a record scratch, and none other than Rick Astley came out to perform "Never Gonna Give You Up."
Bats use their own internal radar - echolocation - to figure out where insects are so they can swoop in and catch their meal. But a study out of Johns Hopkins University shows that how bats track their prey is more complicated than we thought.
A project out of MIT is using artificial intelligence to scan lost languages and find rules and conventions that may help us figure out what all those words from years ago might mean.
May Rick Astley and the internet be together forever.