Ora Nichols Took Radio Sound Effects To The Next Level
Today is National Radio Day, so it's a good day to talk about one of the legends of old-time radio: sound effects virtuoso Ora Nichols.
Today is National Radio Day, so it's a good day to talk about one of the legends of old-time radio: sound effects virtuoso Ora Nichols.
Cheers to a great radio host
what fund drives are like on the other side of the microphone
I just found and digitized the earliest recording I ever made.
The Eiffel Tower was only supposed to stand in Paris for 20 years... but experiments in "wireless telegraphy" helped convince the powers that be to keep the tower in place.
On this day in 1927, the BBC tried something new for their broadcast of a rugby match between England and Wales: they partnered with Radio Times magazine to publish a diagram of a rugby pitch to help the audience follow the action.
“And when you’re at work,” she said, “she will listen to you.”
A few years back I talked with Virginia Prescott on NHPR's Word of Mouth about concession speeches. And now we're doing it all over again - but this time it's for Georgia Public Broadcasting's "On Second Thought!"
U.S. Presidents have the most scrutinized job in the world - and that means their families also go under the proverbial microscope. I got to talk with my pals at NHPR's Word of Mouth about some of the most memorable presidential offspring.
I went national again! Another story of mine ran on NPR's Weekend Edition this morning! It's about the door-to-door campaigning some presidential candidates do when they're in New Hampshire, and the "political two-way street" they walk with local pols.