Sometimes Just A Five Second Break Is All It Takes To Get Along Better With A Spouse
New research finds that couples can keep a conflict from escalating by taking a short break - and I mean, really short - during an argument.
New research finds that couples can keep a conflict from escalating by taking a short break - and I mean, really short - during an argument.
This is one of the great technological and social breakthroughs of our time: scientists have figured out how parrots can do video calls with each other, and they love it!
Scientists once thought stingrays were silent, but a recent recording project found out they make noise after all. Now they want to know why the rays make noises - and for who?
Today in 1934, Paramount Pictures released the movie “Belle of the Nineties,” starring Mae West. And, for some reason, the studio trained several dozen parrots to learn to say the title of the movie so they could appear at theaters and wow the moviegoing public. There was just one problem with the plan, though.
"I have added crackers to your shopping list."