With Solar-Reflective Paint, School Playgrounds Are Getting Cooler

Hot days make for stuffy classrooms, and that can make it hard to learn, but going outside to scorching hot asphalt playgrounds isn’t much better. A school near Atlanta is demonstrating one partial solution, and it’s as simple as getting a fresh coat of paint.

By |2024-12-02T10:58:41-05:00September 22, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Tenino, Washington, The Town That Makes Its Own Money Out Of Wood

Digital currencies are having a rough 2022, but one alternative currency has been doing pretty well for itself lately. That’s the wooden money made in Tenino, Washington.

By |2024-12-16T09:42:43-05:00July 25, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

“Smart Work Zones” Can Keep Workers Safe On Roads And Highways

When there's road work to be done, crews put up cones, barrels and fences to keep workers safe. Now a "smart work" zone system being tested in Virginia could make those spaces even safer.

By |2024-12-14T10:48:47-05:00May 27, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

In The 60s, There Was A Plan To Make Houses Out Of Heineken Bottles

It's National Beer Day, so it's a good time to talk about a plan from the 1960s, when beer magnate Alfred Heineken tried to rework his company's green bottles so they could be upcycled into bricks for low-income houses.

By |2024-12-16T09:46:42-05:00April 7, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

The Way We Walk Around Museums Can Hurt Our Backs

A lot of us kind of amble through museums, taking a few steps, looking at art, and then moving again. And one posture specialist says that "museum walk" is actually hurting our backs.

By |2024-12-16T10:01:52-05:00October 22, 2021|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

The CIA Once Created Robot Fish

It's National Go Fishing Day, though the fish in today’s story aren’t exactly the ones you’d expect to catch. They’re robotic fish called Charlie and Charlene, and they were developed by the Central Intelligence Agency.

By |2024-12-07T19:51:07-05:00June 18, 2021|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Let’s Say Something About The Museum Of Nothing

Some galleries showcase works of art; others show you what it's like when there's nothing on the canvas. Today we pay a virtual visit to a museum where all the works explore the concept of nothingness. Plus: the Chic!ken photo project aims to show that chickens can be the subjects of fine art. 

By |2024-12-03T06:57:47-05:00December 3, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

There’s A Little Art Museum On The Moon

Today in 1969 Apollo 12 returned to earth after visiting the moon, and if the stories are true, it brought with it a tiny tile containing line drawings by six Earth artists.

By |2024-12-14T10:44:30-05:00November 24, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

From Food Waste To Compost In 48 Hours

Composting can turn some of our food waste back into useful stuff, but it can take a while. A new device out of Germany aims to cut the time it takes to go from food waste to compost to just 48 hours.

By |2024-12-07T15:09:30-05:00October 29, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

A Museum Exhibit In Sweden Includes The Weirdest Drinks Of All Time

The Disgusting Food Museum in southern Sweden has a new exhibit on the strangest alcoholic drinks of all time, proving that people will drink some truly revolting concoctions in pursuit of a buzz.

By |2024-12-02T10:21:25-05:00September 21, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |
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