Karolina Olsson, “The Sleeper of Oknö,” Woke Up After 32 Years In Bed

Today in 1861, the birthday of a woman with a very strange story. For reasons that aren’t at all clear, Karolina Olsson went to bed as a 14 year old and apparently didn’t wake up until she was in her forties.

By |2024-12-08T17:22:57-05:00October 29, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

Barry Marshall Pinpointed The Cause Of Most Ulcers By Giving Himself One

Today in 1951, the birth of Barry Marshall, a Nobel Prize winning doctor who, while working with colleague Robin Warren, proved what was behind most ulcers by giving himself an ulcer. 

By |2024-12-08T15:16:32-05:00September 30, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

When Planes Were Grounded On 9-11, People Came Together To Get A Donor Liver To A Baby For A Life-Saving Transplant

Today in 2001, while the world watched a tragedy unfold, there was an amazing story happening far from those sites: an effort to help a six month old baby get a transplant that would save her life.

By |2024-12-10T09:01:48-05:00September 11, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |

Pacemaker Pioneer Wilson Greatbatch Helped Millions Of Hearts

Today in 1919, the birthday of Wilson Greatbatch, who made implantable pacemakers a reality for millions of patients. A pretty big legacy for a guy who considered himself a “humble tinkerer.”

By |2024-12-08T16:38:00-05:00September 6, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

Dr. Kate Pelham Newcomb’s “Penny Parade” Helped Build A Northern Wisconsin Hospital

Today in 1953, some 10,000 people took part in Woodruff, Wisconsin's Memorial Day "Penny Parade." They were raising to build a hospital, urged on by the leader of the effort, Dr. Kate Pelham Newcomb.

By |2024-12-08T16:29:56-05:00May 30, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

Musical Alarms Could Help Save Lives In Hospitals

There's a phenomenon in hospitals called "alarm fatigue" that can actually cause problems for patients. An anesthesiologist and a music cognition researcher have teamed up to find alternatives to the jarring beeps.

By |2024-12-08T17:53:07-05:00March 8, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

This Smart Glove Can Help People Recover From A Stroke

A new wearable device can track arm and hand movements from people recovering from strokes to help improve their rehab exercises.

By |2024-12-01T12:22:56-05:00January 31, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

John Thompson Lost His Arms In A Farm Accident, Got Himself Help And Got The Arms Back

On this day in 1992, John Thompson of North Dakota lost his arms in a farm accident. He then got himself emergency care in time so that he got his arms back.

By |2025-01-31T07:58:21-05:00January 11, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

Can We Patch Back Injuries The Way We Patch Holes In Car Tires?

The Tension-Activated Repair Patch could help people with back injuries, and it works a little bit like how we patch flat tires on the road. 

By |2024-12-16T07:59:41-05:00November 28, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |

A Medical Robot Can Help Steer A Needle Through Living Tissue

It's a big and little development in medicine and technology all at once: a robotic system that can autonomously move a medical needle safely through living tissue. 

By |2024-12-07T21:20:42-05:00October 19, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |
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