Tilly Smith Saved 100 People From A Tsunami Because She’d Listened In Class

Today in 2004, a 10 year old managed to save a lot of people from a massive tsunami because she remembered a lesson she’d learned in school about what happens right before a tsunami hits. Good thing she was listening.

By |2024-12-04T05:38:59-05:00December 26, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Is Home To The World’s Most Famous “Space Acorn”

Today in 1965, something happened in the community of Kecksburg in southwestern Pennsylvania. That something has had plenty of names - UFO Crash, Great Fireball, second Roswell - so let’s explain what we do and don’t know about it.

By |2024-12-09T07:49:00-05:00December 9, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |
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