This year’s cookies
Each year I bake up a few cookies for our neighbors, so I can try out a few recipes and also make up for being socially awkward the rest of the year.
Each year I bake up a few cookies for our neighbors, so I can try out a few recipes and also make up for being socially awkward the rest of the year.
It was today in 1963 that kids could start baking by lightbulb thanks to these colorful little toy appliances. We'll explain how the Easy Bake Oven came together.
For years our family tradition has been that the birthday kid chooses a birthday cake that I make for them.
A day later, the cookies are baked!
For the first time in Christmas baking history, the old boy is getting his ingredients organized beforehand!
For National Cookie Day, we take a closer look at the amazing and frequently disturbing history of gingerbread, including how one of the most famous royals of all time helped bring gingerbread people into the world.
Last month, astronauts on the International Space Station baked chocolate chip cookies. But baking cookies in space is a little different than baking them on Earth.
This week I told my eight year old it was his half birthday. He immediately said, “I want a half cake... we could put half a smiley face on it.”
We’re making cookies with some of the leftover Halloween candy.
It's a bit runny but for a first try I'm pretty happy with it!