During Prohibition, Grape Growers Sold “Wine Bricks” To Thirsty Customers

This week in 1920, a federal law enforcing the Constitution's Prohibition Amendment took effect. But there were loopholes, and one of the most clever way to use those loopholes was through something known as the "grape brick" or "wine brick."

By |2025-01-15T07:46:21-05:00January 17, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , |

When Martin Luther King Jr. Won The Nobel Peace Prize, Atlanta Held A Historic Dinner In His Honor

Dr. King's home city gave him a warm welcome after he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, though putting that warm welcome together got complicated. 

Teddy Roosevelt Tried To Change How We Spell Words

Today in 1906 a vote in Congress put an end to one of President Theodore Roosevelt’s top priorities: simplifying the way we spell words. Or, as he would have preferred, spel wurds.

By |2024-12-06T06:39:21-05:00December 12, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , |

Oklahoma’s Panhandle Was Once Known As “No Man’s Land”

Today in 1907 Oklahoma became the 46th state in the Union. Oklahoma's panhandle has a complicated history that includes a time when it was known as “No Man’s Land.”

By |2024-12-07T20:27:44-05:00November 16, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Two Young Brothers Rode Across The Country On Horseback To Hang Out With Teddy Roosevelt

Today in 1909, the brothers Abernathy, ages five and eight, started a 1,300 mile trip - on horseback, unsupervised - from Oklahoma to New Mexico and back. The next year they got back on their horses to ride to New York to see their dad's pal, Teddy Roosevelt.

The Star-Spangled Banner That Inspired “The Star-Spangled Banner”

It's Flag Day here in the US, and a good time to tell the story of the American flag that led to the writing of what is now our national anthem. 

By |2024-12-04T05:43:45-05:00June 14, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |

Hands Across America Brought Together Some Hands Across Some Of America

Today in 1986, Hands Across America! People were supposed to build national unity and help those in need by linking hands in a chain that stretched from sea to shining sea. And at least some of them did.

By |2024-12-10T09:10:04-05:00May 25, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , |

Gregory Robertson Saved An Unconscious Skydiver After A High-Speed Dive

He called it just another day of skydiving, but today in 1987, Gregory Robertson saved a fellow skydiver’s life with a high-speed free fall of more than a mile.

By |2024-12-15T15:20:19-05:00April 18, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |

Banning Sliced Bread Was Not The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Today in 1943, the US government tried to help the war effort in a way that did NOT go over well. They tried to halt the sales of sliced bread.

By |2024-12-02T08:53:30-05:00January 18, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Betsy Ross May Not Have Made The First Flag, But She Really Did Make Flags

Today in 1752, the birthday of the woman known today as Betsy Ross. The legend goes that after meeting with General George Washington, Mrs. Ross put together the very first version of what would become the flag of the United States. Historians are pretty sure that’s just a legend, but there are reasons why the story came to be.

By |2024-12-10T07:52:01-05:00January 1, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , |
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