Musical Alarms Could Help Save Lives In Hospitals

There's a phenomenon in hospitals called "alarm fatigue" that can actually cause problems for patients. An anesthesiologist and a music cognition researcher have teamed up to find alternatives to the jarring beeps.

By |2024-12-08T17:53:07-05:00March 8, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

In Whittier, Alaska, A Lot Of Residents All Live In One Building

Today in 1959, Alaska became the 49th state in the Union. It’s unique in so many ways, like how a large part of one Alaskan community lives in a single 14 story building. 

By |2024-12-04T05:41:31-05:00January 3, 2024|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

In 1867 Alaska, It Was Friday, And Another Friday Came Afterward

Today in 1867, the United States formally purchased the land now known as Alaska. The day before had been a Friday, but because of the transfer, that day became a Friday too.

By |2024-12-06T06:20:10-05:00October 18, 2023|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |

The Peculiar Reason Chicken, Alaska Got Its Name

Alaska is an unusual state in many ways, and here's the story of an unusual town that was supposed to be named for one bird but got named after a different one instead.

By |2024-12-06T06:19:20-05:00March 30, 2022|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , |

Benny Benson, The 13 Year Old Who Designed Alaska’s Flag

Today in 1929, the then-territory of Alaska flew its flag for the first time. That flag, which is still used today, was designed by a 13 year old of Aleutian descent, Benny Benson.

By |2024-12-04T05:42:16-05:00July 9, 2021|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , |

Meet Toksook Bay, Alaska, Where The 2020 Census Begins

April 1st is officially Census Day in 2020, but today is the first day of counting, and the first town to be counted is Toksook Bay, Alaska, near the Bering Sea.

By |2024-12-06T06:21:00-05:00January 21, 2020|Categories: Cool Weird Awesome, Podcasts|Tags: , , , |
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