I’m not much of a dancer, but then there’s research that shows humans have an almost unstoppable urge to start moving when the music starts.

Whether it’s nodding our heads, tapping our feet, snapping our fingers, or flat-out getting up and showing off our moves, hearing music makes our bodies start to move, whether we mean to or not.


Researchers at the University of Oslo even held a contest where the winners were the people who moved the least when hearing music – and even the winners moved a little!

There are some factors that will get listeners to move more.

Electronic dance music with a fast beat is going to lead to more tapping and bopping around than, say, classical Indian music, where the beats are longer.

Music that’s more rhythmically complex is more likely to get people moving.

People who have high levels of empathy and emotional response on personality tests tend to move more.

And people listening through headphones usually move the most, even compared to people in front of loudspeakers.

Why? The researchers say it’s because headphones make a person feel like they’re in their own bubble.

They feel like there’s no one around them, and they’re therefore less inhibited, especially when their eyes are closed.

So if you hear the beat and your body decides it’s time to start moving, start moving. It’s science!


This weekend, if you like, you can move through some of the most unusual houses in the capital city of Texas.

The Austin Weird Homes Virtual Tour features, among others, an Aquaman-themed house, a house shaped like a sand dollar, and a home that used to be a national bank.

Not moving to dance music is nearly impossible, according to new research (University of Oslo via Medical Xpress)

2020 Austin Weird Homes Virtual Tour

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Photo by Patrick Savalle via Flickr/Creative Commons