Father’s Day is almost here, which is good news for the makers of neckties with bawdy sayings on them.
And while we probably make too much of dad culture these days, it’s not made-up.
There really are dads who text their kids the goofiest jokes ever written, dads who really do dream of golfing every day and barbecueing at night, and dads who love nothing more than a good burp.
For this class of dad, we note that this Father’s Day will also be the 10th anniversary of the longest burp ever.
It came at a festival in Italy known as “Ruttosound” (Rutto means “burp” in Italian).
According to Guinness, the world record belch was 1 minute 13 seconds 57 milliseconds long.
As for the champion, it was a guy who goes by the name Rutt Mysterio, who dresses in a pro wrestling mask and Rey Mysterio gear.
He also plays guitar and burps out the lyrics, does backflips onstage, and his burps can be as loud as they are long.
How does one get into competitive burping?
Rutt Mysterio says he started as a kid, only when he burped, his parents didn’t correct him.
And now look at him.
There have been lots of cases of back to back home runs in major league baseball history, but the ones hit in a game on September 14, 1990 were pretty unusual.
The Seattle Mariners were at bat against the California Angels, and veteran left fielder Ken Griffey knocked one out to left center field for a home run.
The next batter was center fielder Ken Griffey Jr., the 20 year old son of the previous batter, who hit a home run of his own.
It was the only time the big leagues ever saw father and son back to back homers.
Longest burp (Guinness World Records)
This undisputed burping master will blow your mind away (YouTube)
Sept. 14, 1990: When the Griffeys made history with back-to-back homers (The Sporting News)
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