Nice Cape: The Franklin Pierce Statue in Concord, NH

Do note that while the state did honor Pierce with a statue after fifty years or so, they made sure it was technically on city - not state - ground, as if to say, he's mostly yours, Concord.

By |2012-12-29T02:30:45-05:00November 3, 2012|Categories: Dead Presidents, Places, Travel|Tags: , , |

Ike is a Highway: The Eisenhower Statue in Alexandria, Va

If you want to like Ike while in the DC area, take the Metro Yellow Line down to King Street station and walk a half mile or so through Alexandria to Eisenhower Circle, built to officially mark the start of the Eisenhower national expressway system.

By |2024-11-01T07:01:45-04:00November 1, 2012|Categories: Dead Presidents, Places, Travel|Tags: , , |
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