Or, They Could Be Wisecracking Partners in a Buddy Cop Movie
Call it "learning through being beaten about the face and neck with facts."
Call it "learning through being beaten about the face and neck with facts."
My copy of the Official Guide to Professional Basketball does show Yosemite Sam and several Nerdlucks playing pro ball for a while in the 70's, but I might have been reading it upside down. Or maybe they were in the ABA, where things were always a little "iffy"?
I will keep my personal feelings about the band Godsmack to myself. This is for the best. My feelings on the Wikipedia entry on Godsmack, however, fall under the "fair game" category:
I'd like to Fake Special Thank the Wikipedian who thought it was worth pointing out that a fake special thanks is referred to as a Fake Special Thanks. Drive-thru attendants must cringe when he/she pulls in: "I'd like to get a Quarter Pounder with some cheese on it - this is referred to as a Quarter Pounder with Cheese..."
Wikipedia's article on the Mercury-Atlas 5 mission is... just read on.
"A close talker is someone who when talking to you moves in very close." Well, dang, I woulda never guessed THAT!
At least one city in North America isn't afraid to share its bagels. And we know this thanks to an entry in Wikipedia.
Consult a lawyer before beating some dude up in the street - or at least consult the Wiki entry for Rocky V.
Move over, Penn and Teller, your truth-telling is of no use now that Wikipedians are crying B.S.!
But surely no one wants to be defeated?