Podcast listens, as they stand right meow
The 8 year old pointed out yesterday that the analytics for my podcast are cat-shaped. Thanks, Cool Weird Awesome listeners!
The 8 year old pointed out yesterday that the analytics for my podcast are cat-shaped. Thanks, Cool Weird Awesome listeners!
Happy Independence Day from the Carlson Kids and their new favorite star-spangled treat.
My three year old is rocking out with her bristle-block microphone.
The four year old is making up new lyrics to Talking Heads’ “Once In A Lifetime.”
My three year old daughter is apparently a classic pro wrestling fan.
The Carlson Kids are telling each other jokes. Kind of all at the same time, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯!
Four year old starting the day with some good stuff: chocolate milk and the New York Times.
It's very Wisconsin of him, I guess
Today this wonderful fellow is four. He’s so full of joy every day that Marie Kondo calls him for pro tips. Happy birthday to you, big guy!
“Mom! Dad!” “Yes?” “Mom! Dad!” “What is it?”