Overheard At My House
6 year old: “what’s your favorite number between one and a hundred? Mine is 64.”
6 year old: “what’s your favorite number between one and a hundred? Mine is 64.”
We were fooling with those Facebook camera plugins and bam, there’s the kids’ first album cover
"Sun! Sun!" she says, sharply. "Get out of my face!"
My three year old is trying to wave goodbye to his shadow and no one can withstand the cuteness
“Let’s play a game called Bear Friends,” said the 6 year old.
Including the ones from six year olds.
Blurry, I know, but the three year old was blowing kisses to the baked goods on our way out of the house this morning.
“While you are walking, smile and be in the here and now, and you will transform that place into paradise.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
“Oh my god, is he trapped in there?” - my six year old watching Mike Tirico at the 2018 Olympics.
The six year old designed a quilt pattern at school, which he named “Mr. Eyeballs,” and now I totally want this quilt in real life.